Friday, March 28, 2014

Principal's of the Day!!

Our principal's of the day were Ms. Driver and Ms. Gober.  They did a wonderful job!!  They passed out Eagle Buck's and made some of the P.E. classes run extra laps!  Here are some of their pictures!!!!

Thursday, March 27, 2014


Please Re-Enroll for your spot next year.  Teacher requests will only be considered if you have re-enrolled by March 31st.

Please pray for our 1st-4th grade students next week as they take the Achievement Tests.  
They will be testing Monday-Thursday.  They are going to do great!!  They will have a small encouragement note and treat on their desk each morning from their principal.  It is very important that your child arrives on time, because testing will begin promptly after the bell rings.  If students bring a snack, please make it a healthy snack.  Please bring #2 pencils and get a good night's rest and a well balanced breakfast.  Any student arriving after testing begins will not be allowed to enter the classroom until the current test is completed.

Jump Rope for Heart is underway!!  Please go out and raise money for the Heart Association!!
The students will be jumping on April 8th, parents are welcome to attend!!

Grandparents Day is one of our biggest events of the year.  We welcome all grandparents to our school to see your grandchildren.  We will be having a short program that morning and then students will go to the track for Spring Sprint.  After the students run they will be free to go with their grandparents for the rest of the day.  We hope to see you on April 11th.  Schedule of events will be sent out soon!!

We have had a busy week in the elementary and many things have happened.  On Monday, two of our students cashed in their $150 Eagle Bucks to throw a PIE in my face!!  The students all loved seeing that happen.  We also had a special treat today as our 1st grade students led our chapel and they did an outstanding job!  I am very proud of them.  There are a few pictures below from these events.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Principal of the Day!!

These are our Principal's of the Day!  Mr. Lilly and Mr. Garland were very busy handing out Eagle Bucks and many other duties. They did a wonderful job!!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

1st Week Back

Welcome Back!!  I hope you had a wonderful Spring Break.  As most of you know, my family had an exciting break.  We welcomed another daughter to our family.  Lennox Marie Riley was born on March 8th.  Everyone is doing well and big sister is very excited!!

We have had a great 1st week back to school.  Report cards will be going out tomorrow.  It is hard to believe that we are in our last nine weeks.  It has been a wonderful year!!

We have some exciting things coming up in the next few weeks.

Saturday, March 22 we will be having a fashion show and several of our families are involved.  You may purchase tickets in the elementary office.

Achievement Test will be March 31st-April 3rd (See Mrs. Pomeroy to sign up to help out on those days) We really do need proctors for the test days!

Please Re-Enroll for your spot next year.  Teacher request will only be considered if you have re-enrolled by March 31st. 

Upcoming Events:

April 8- Jump Rope for Heart  (Packets should be coming home soon)

April 11- Grandparents Day/Spring Sprint

April 22- Kindergarten Play

April 23- Elementary Spring Pictures

April 26- New student testing

April 29- Fine Arts Recital

Friday, March 7, 2014

Principal of the Day!!!

Ms. Maple and Ms. Nowroozi did a wonderful job today being the principal.  They were very busy and worked very hard today.  Check out the pictures!!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Kindergarten and 3rd and 4th Grade Play

I am very proud of my Kindergarten and 3rd and 4th graders and the wonderful job they did this week in their programs.  The 3rd and 4th graders did a wonderful job Tuesday night with "Lights, Camera, Action".  Our Kindergarten did a wonderful job this morning with our chapel.  They presented everyone with Cookies!!  So proud of these students.

Re-Enrollment and Spring Break!!

Re-enroll early to request your elementary teacher!  Elementary teacher requests will be accepted during the re-enrollment period!  Once you have completed re-enrollment your request may be sent to Mr. Riley.  After March 31st, we will not accept teacher requests. We will honor as many requests as possible.  Please remember our goal is to help each child work to his or her full potential and there are other important factors we have to consider in classroom placement.

Have a Great Spring Break!!!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Principal of the Day!!

These are our two Principal's of the Day from this past Friday!  They did a wonderful job!!