Thursday, August 28, 2014

Labor Day!!

What a wonderful week!  I hope everyone has a safe Labor Day weekend.  The students are busy learning new and exciting things.  The Eagle Buck Store was open today in the Eagle's Nest.  This is an opportunity for the students who have earned Eagle Bucks to cash them in for prizes at Mr. Riley's Store.  We have pictures from our mini cheerleaders this week.  They did an amazing job this past Friday at the football game.  The Back to School Bash was a big hit and then everyone enjoyed ice cream and the football game.  It was awesome to see so many people come out to support the EAGLES!!  See the pictures from out mini cheerleaders below.  Check out the other reminders.  Have a safe and wonderful weekend with your family and loved ones!!


Aug. 29- Football Game at Nashville Christian 7:00
Sept. 1- No School
Sept. 5- Spirit Night at Logan's  
Sept. 9- Open House 5:00-7:00

Mini Cheerleaders and Eagle Buck Store pictures:

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Week Two!!

What a wonderful week!  We started off the week with our first praise chapel.  It is one of my favorite things each week is to hear our students sing praises to God.  Feel free to come join us on Monday's for praise chapel and Thursday's for songs and a short lesson.  On Thursday's we have guest speakers come in and speak to the students.  It is a great time for all!!

We are very excited that the STEM lab will be open tomorrow and we will be doing our first labs of the year.  The students are very excited and by what the teachers have told me that they will be having a great time learning tomorrow.  I will post pics as soon as all media release forms are turned in.  This is going to be a wonderful time of hands on learning and critical thinking for these students.

The first turn in date for our fundraiser will be tomorrow.  Please go out and sell magazines, smart cards and city saver books.  Part of this money comes back to our school.  We need all of the support we can get.  So go out and SELL, SELL, SELL.  Students will get a beard if they sell a certain amount of books, see below!!!!

  • Friday Dress- Jeans and Ezell-Harding t-shirt or normal uniform dress. 
  • JOIN our PTO- See Vonda McGill to join!!  Here are some of our staff PTO members!

  • Back to School Bash Next Friday, August 22nd from 5:00-7:00
  • First Home Football Game Next Friday, August 22nd at 7:00 verses Davidson Academy.  Come and support the EAGLES!!
  • See classroom teacher blogs for other updates

Friday, August 8, 2014

Exciting First Week!!

What a wonderful week it has been.  What an exciting time it has been, as we get back in the swing of things.  I am so impressed with each student this week.  Everyone has been well behaved and have been excited about school.  Our teachers and students are AWESOME!!!!

I would like to share some of the new things that will be happening in the elementary this year.  We have a new STEM Lab in the elementary.  This stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.  This lab will allow the students to use hands on activities and use critical thinking skills.  I am very excited about this wonderful opportunity for our students.

I have also set aside a time each nine weeks for the students to spend 30 minutes with me.  This time is called TWP or Time With Principal.  I met with the 1st-4th grade today and we worked on meeting and greeting one another.  I had two at a time come to the front of the class and say their name and then the class would say hello _________.  I would ask the students two more questions and then I would quiz the group to see if they remembered what was said by their classmate.  The best part was they got to wear a funny hat!!

We also discussed a PrayerBox.  Ask your kids about our PrayerBox that will be outside of the office.

Our first Fundraiser kicks off today.  You will be seeing a packet that was sent home today in their backpacks.  Please go out and sell Magazines, Citi Saver, and Smartcards and help our school raise money.  One of the prizes are pictured below and I have no idea who this person is! Haha!

Thank you for a very successful week!!