Friday, January 30, 2015

Kindness Week!!

What a great week it has been.  It was amazing to see the amount of kindness taking place this week.  The teachers doors looked awesome. The students cards, gifts, words and actions made this week great.  I hope you have seen some of the pictures on Facebook and Instagram under hashtags#ForeverEagleFriends: #KindnessMatters: #GreatKindnessChallenge  Check the teachers blogs for other pictures.  We presented the "change" bucket to Mrs. Pruitt to give to her granddaughter Reagan.  She loved the kindness that was shown and was very excited.  See the pictures below to see how excited she was.

I would like to recognize some students this week who participated in the Pinewood Derby this past Tuesday.  See the pictures below.
1st place-Luke Duffey
3rd place-Luke Anderson
4th place-Lanning McKay
6th place-Carter Tidwell
Best Design Overall-Chase Bittner

Please mark your calendar

Doughnuts with Dad (Feb. 12th 7:00-8:00)
Muffins with Mom (Feb. 13th 7:00-8:00)
Please RSVP by Feb. 5th to Mrs. Boyd

Friday, January 23, 2015

Kindness Week Next Week!!

Next week we will be Celebrating Kindness Week.  These are some of the things that will be happening next week in the elementary school!!  This is a campus wide event PS-12th Grade.  Each school will be doing different things throughout the week.  It will be a lot of fun!!

Elementary School: 
 - Completing as many acts of kindness as they can on the checklist
 - Kindness themed door decoration contest to be judged on Monday the 26th 
 - Dress up days: Tuesday - Crazy for Kindness - crazy socks & hats, or mismatched items, Wednesday - Ride the Wave of Kindness - beach/surfer attire, Thursday - Peace Love and Kindness or hippie attire
 - ES heart shaped photo on Monday in the Eagles Nest after praise chapel 
 - Kindness Station in my office for students to come by before school and during normal library open check out times to write a note or make a card for someone

Sunday, January 25, 2:00-4:00
Invite you friends and family to see our great school!!

Doughnuts with Dad (Feb. 12th)
Muffins for Mom (Feb. 13th)
Sign-ups coming soon!!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Friday STEM Labs

Here are a few pics from some of the STEM labs today.  There will be more posted later today.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Great week!

We have had a great week at Ezell-Harding!  Here are a few reminders.

This did not show on last weeks blog post.  So I will try it again.

  • As the winter months approach us, I want to remind everyone about our dress code. Please check the student handbook on the website for other information. You will find the student handbook located under about us: presidents welcome; and it is located on the left side of the page.

Long sleeve shirts that are worn underneath uniform shirts must be solid black, white or gray.
Socks and leggings must be solid black, white or gray.

Approved shoes must be predominantly black, white, gray, brown or crimson.

• Only approved outerwear may be worn during the school day. This includes the gray or black fleece, the light-weight black wind breaker and other approved EHCS sports team outerwear. These items may be purchased from the Ezell-Harding Spirit Trailer.
• Other outerwear may be worn to school but not worn during the school day with the exception of when students must be outside.

Continue to collect box tops our last turn in date is in February.

Open House 
January 25, 2:00-4:00
Invite your friends and family to our school!

No School on Monday, January 19

Upcoming Events
Doughnuts with Dad (Feb. 12)
Muffins with Mom (Feb. 13)

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Welcome back!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and Holiday Season.  It is hard to believe it is the start of a new year and our second semester of school.  Thank you again for all of the sacrifices that you make to send your children to Ezell-Harding Christian School.  I encourage you to promote our school to others. We have an Open House coming up and I encourage you to invite your friends and family.  I have a few reminders and announcements I would like to share with you.

  • In case of bad weather, the Administration will monitor the weather and send a "Parent Alert" if it does become necessary to close school anytime during the winter months.  In addition to watching for the "Parent Alert" on your email and text, you can view any closings for our school on Channel 2, 4, and 5.

  • If you have a sick child, please do not send your child to school if they have: 

  1. had a fever in the last 24 hours
  2. been sick with a stomach virus in the last 24 hours

Please do not give your child medication and send them to school with a fever.  School policy states, "the student  is to be fever free for 24 hours" before returning to school (see student/parent handbook.)  Please take into consideration when you send your child to school sick, their day is difficult, their recovery is longer, and they are exposing other children to their illness.

  • As the winter months approach us, I want to remind everyone about our dress code. Please check the student handbook on the website for other information. You will find the student handbook located under about us: presidents welcome; and it is located on the left side of the page.

Long sleeve shirts that are worn underneath uniform shirts must be solid black, white or gray.
Socks and leggings must be solid black, white or gray.

Approved shoes must be predominantly black, white, gray, brown or crimson.

• Only approved outerwear may be worn during the school day. This includes the gray or black fleece, the light-weight black wind breaker and other approved EHCS sports team outerwear. These items may be purchased from the Ezell-Harding Spirit Trailer.
• Other outerwear may be worn to school but not worn during the school day with the exception of when students must be outside.

Sunday, January 25th 2:00-4:00
Invite your friends and family!!

Collect those Box Tops

We are collecting "change" or anything you want to donate for Mrs. Pruitt's (high school principal) granddaughter, Reagan who is in the hospital with Leukemia.  She was diagnosed right before Christmas.  We are joining the Middle School and High School in this effort to help the Pruitt family!

Coming Home will be this Friday Night.  The high school basketball game starts at 6:00 and the ceremony of king and queen will take place at half time of the boys game.  

Jeans and Ezell-Harding t-shirts may be worn tomorrow and on any Fridays!!

No School-January 19th