Next week we will be Celebrating Kindness Week. These are some of the things that will be happening next week in the elementary school!! This is a campus wide event PS-12th Grade. Each school will be doing different things throughout the week. It will be a lot of fun!!
- Completing as
many acts of kindness as they can on the checklist
- Kindness
themed door decoration contest to be judged on Monday the 26th
- Dress up days:
Tuesday - Crazy for Kindness - crazy socks & hats, or mismatched items,
Wednesday - Ride the Wave of Kindness - beach/surfer
attire, Thursday - Peace Love and Kindness or hippie attire
- ES heart
shaped photo on Monday in the Eagles Nest after praise chapel
- Kindness
Station in my office for students to come by before school and during normal
library open check out times to write a note or make a card for someone
Sunday, January 25, 2:00-4:00
Invite you friends and family to see our great school!!
Doughnuts with Dad (Feb. 12th)
Muffins for Mom (Feb. 13th)
Sign-ups coming soon!!