Friday, January 29, 2016

What a great week at EHCS Elementary!!!

We have had an amazing week here at EHCS!  Our students experienced a week of code.  Our students were introduced on Tuesday morning to coding by Mr. Ramsey.  He spoke to our students about his job and how to code.  It was really cool to see how many things use code to operate. Our students had several different ways of learning code this week.  On Thursday, we had a special guest, Mrs. Thweatt.  She spent the day in computer classes working on coding with our students.

I am very proud of my 1st and 2nd graders and their play last night "Flakes".  They performed today for the elementary school and did an amazing job!  Thank you parents for helping with sets and costumes.  Also, Thank you Mrs. Northcutt, Mrs. Jones, Mrs.Chandler and Mrs.Frankum for your hard work in directing the play.

We also have celebrated our 100th Day of School today.  Many of our classes had projects involving 100.  The had a great time making their projects.  Our Kindergarten students displayed their posters in the Eagles Nest for the other students to view.  Our PS-K student also had a visit from Snowbird today.  He read them a book about penguins and they had a wonderful time.

I am very proud of  Pack 54 boy scouts.  They held their pinewood derby and we had several winners.

1st place- Luke Duffey
2nd place- Jaxson White
Overall design winner- Hayden Williams

Open House
Sunday, January 31st 2:00-4:00
Invite your friends and family to come visit our school!!

Cookie Dough Sale Going on Now!  Go out and sell those cookies and raise money for our school!!

Doughnuts with Dad- February 11
Muffins with Mom-February 12
Times will be posted next week!

No School February 15

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Snow Days!!

Sunday, January 24, 2:00-4:00
Please invite your friends, family and neighbors.  Tell them about the exciting things happening at Ezell Harding and to stop by and visit us.

Code Week: January 25-29
Monday: Ben Ramsey will be talking to us about coding.
Computer classes will be working on coding during the week.
Thursday we will have a special guest to visit to our computer classes (K-4) to help with our coding.

1st and 2nd Grade Play Thursday, January 28 at 6:30 in the High School Gym

Mark your calendar: Feb. 11 Doughnuts with Dad
Feb. 12 Muffins with Mom
More details to come!!

February 15- School Holiday

Bring in those Box Tops
Image result for box tops

Friday, January 15, 2016

Upcoming Events

We have had a very busy week!  I have been in several classrooms and have seen many good lessons and all of the students working very hard.  I would like to mention a couple of exciting things that will be taking place in the next few weeks.  I have one special picture for this week, especially for our Kindergarten parents!!  It might make them a little teary-eyed!!

Our weather procedures for Ezell Harding are listed below.  In case of bad weather, the Administration will monitor the weather and send a "parent alert" if it does become necessary to close school any time during the winter months.  In addition to watching for the "parent alert" on your email and text, you can view any closing for our school on Channel 2, 4, 5.  We do not follow the same guidelines as public school, please see private school closings.


We will be having a WEEK OF CODE, in the elementary school.  This allows our students to use the technology of coding a computer program.  We will have special guest with us this week and students will be working in the computer lab during class time as well.  This is going to be a great week and we are very excited!

We will be having spelling bees in our 1st-4th grade classrooms during the next couple of weeks.  We will have a official spelling bee on February 10th.  You will receive information at a later date.  Students should already have their spelling word lists for their classrooms.

Other reminders:


1st and 2nd grade play- January 28 at 6:30

Coming Home- February 5

Kindergarten Parents it will be here before you know it.  This was taken for the yearbook this week.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and a Happy New Year!  I will have more updates next week.  It was good to get back in the swing of things.  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.