Friday, February 24, 2017

Read Across America Week!!

We will be participating in Read Across America Week next week!!  Please see your classroom teacher if you or someone in your family is interested in coming to read to the class.  The students should have received a reading log for them to track what books they have read.  On Friday, of next week for every book that they have read, they will take a piece of duct tape and tape me to the wall.  See possible picture below of what I could look like.  We will be dressing up next week as well for this special event.  Those days will be posted below as well.  Have a great weekend!

Spring Break March 6-10
No School

Friday, February 17, 2017

Re-enroll Today

Don't forget to enroll early for the discount.

Upcoming Important Dates

New Student Testing 
Saturday, February 18th
(Please tell your friends about all of the good things happening at EHCS)

 Monday, February 20th

Thursday, February 23rd
Parent Teacher Conferences 3:00-6:00
(Conferences will only be requested if needed by the teacher or parent)