Thank you for all your support last Friday with our Grandparents Day! It was a huge success and it was a pleasure to meet many new faces. Please come back and visit anytime. Thank you for your support of EHCS!!
Thank you parents for your support this week with all of the hurricane items being brought in and also sending in those pennies!! Tomorrow will be our last day of these two service projects!! Please send all items and pennies in TOMORROW! The students have loved the penny wars and it has been a lot of fun.
Please join us tomorrow night for HOMECOMING!!
Come out to the Football game to support our Eagles!!
Mark your Calendars!!
Tuesday September 19th- Picture Day ( School uniforms)
these pictures will be for the yearbook.
Tuesday, September 19th- Parent Teacher Conferences
See teacher for a sign up time!
Fall Break
October 2nd-6th