Tomorrow will be our first turn in date for Behavior Bucks. They will be able to cash in with their classroom teachers or from Mr. Riley. They also have a chance to save up their bucks and get a bigger prize from Coach Riley. I announced these after chapel this morning and they went crazy in a good way!! These are the rewards I offered to them:
$5.00- Pick a prize from Mr. Riley's Treasure Box
$30.00- Lunch with a friend in cafeteria at a private table
$50.00- One Free Homework pass
$75.00- One Extra Day of Jeans and Ezell shirt
$100.00- Lunch with the principal
$120.00- Principal for the Day
$150.00- Pie in Mr. Riley's face
$200.00- President of Ezell Harding for the Day
Back to School Bash- Friday 5:00-7:00. Please come out, I would love to see and talk to everyone!! You will have a good time of fun, food and with family. Also, I will be in the dunk tank and I would love for each student get a chance to put me in the water.
SELL, SELL, SELL!!! City Saver, Smart Cards and Magazines!! Part of this goes towards our school!!!
Please turn in survey's that were sent out from Mr. Sullivan by tomorrow!!
Jeans and Ezell Harding shirts on Fridays!!!
Please join us on Monday's for Praise Chapel and on Thursday's for Chapel. We would be honored to have you come and worship with us!!
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