Thursday, September 8, 2016

Great Week at EHCS!!

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Classes of the Week from last Friday!!
Library- Mrs. Gee
Guidance- Mrs. Gibson
Music- Ms. Clevenger
PE- Ms. Osborne
Computer- Mrs. Frankum
Spanish- Mrs. Woody
Cafeteria-Mrs. Woody

Thank you Mr. Tidwell for speaking to us today in chapel.

Our Kindergarten went to the Apple Orchard and on their 1st field trip on the new bus.  They had a great time!!

Our 3rd grade had a visit today from the Zoo!

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School Picture Orders 
Due: September 16th
Picture makeup date: September 15th

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 Tuesday, September, 13th

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Thursday, September 22nd

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Vocabulary Parade
Friday, September 23rd 
Middle School Gym

More information coming tomorrow, so check your emails!!

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